

“The feedback that we have received from the pupils during and since the programme has been completely positive and it certainly seems to have inspired many of them to follow their dreams. I would without hesitation recommend this intervention to help build children and young people’s self esteem and encourage them to focus on their hopes and dreams for the future.” John Spurling, Deputy Head Teacher, Middle School

Anne Wareham, Head of year, Upper School

“Thank you so much for last week. The children were totally inspired by you both. Anything else you

think you can offer us as resounding YES PLEASE!”

Deborah Pargeter, Head, Lower School



“The feedback that we have received from the pupils during and since the programme has been completely positive and it certainly seems to have inspired many of them to follow their dreams. I would without hesitation recommend this intervention to help build children and young people’s self esteem and encourage them to focus on their hopes and dreams for the future.” John Spurling, Deputy Head Teacher, Middle School